THEA person's identity is constructed from the (pre) name his parents give him at birth. Here are some names you could give to your children: Each name has a deep meaning.
- ABEDI Faithful
- ABENI Pray for her
- ABERASH Giving light
- ABRIHET It emanates from the light (Bright)
- ADAMA Beautiful Queen
- ADANNA The father's daughter
- ADEOLA Crown of Honor
- ADERO The one who creates life
- ADILI Just
- ADISA He who is clear-minded
- ADJATAY Princess
- WYD To be fair
- ADLA Just
- ADNA The unit
- ADOFO Brave Warrior
- ADOM The eagle of God
- AFI Spiritual
- AFYA Health
- AHMES The moon is born
- AHONYA Prosperity
- AIKA Gratitude
- AINA Life
- AJENE Truth
- Bright AKHET
- AKIL Smart
- AKIN Warrior
- AKINA Solidarity
- AKINWUNMI As a hero
- ALIKA The most beautiful
- ALIYA Exhalted
- AMA Beloved
- AMANDAH Freedom
- AMARI The strength
- AMENHOTEP AMON (GOD) is at peace, is satisfied
- AMIRI Prince
- AMON Invisible God
- AMPAH Trust
- ANA Sun
- ANEESA Guide
- ANGALIA Observer
- ANGOLA The powerful
- ANIKA The Queen is back
- ANIKULAPO Whoever carries death in his bag
- ANKH Life
- ANKHOU The living
- ANNAKIYA Gentle face
- ANOOHA God and him are one
- ANOUKET Pure water
- ANOZIE I am well placed
- ASANI Rebel
- ASANTE Thank you
- ASATA The lady of the throne of God
- ASET (AÏSSATA (ISSATA)) The Lady of the Throne of God
- ASHAKI Belle (Beautiful)
- ASHANTI Union in adversity
- ASHIKI Passion (awakening)
- ASONG 7th child
- ASSAGGI Strength
- ASSEFA His coming is growing our family
- ASSIRENI She is beautiful
- ATIBA Understanding
- ATON Solar Disc
- AUSARE The eye that watches over the throne of God
- AWOTWI 8th child
- AYAN Lucky
- AYANNA Pretty flower
- AYO Joy
- AYOOLA Joy in wealth
- Powerful AZA
- AZUBUKE The past is our strength
- AZUKA The support is supreme
- BADU 10th child
- BAHATI Chance
- BAHIYA Belle
- Promising BAKARI
- BALINDA Patience
- BALLA Courageous
- Authentic BANGA
- BARKE Blessing
- BARUTI Teacher
- BELLA Liberated
- BENESHA Blessed
- BES Vital heat
- BIK Raptor
- BIZA Invitation
- BONAM The blessing
- BUOP Hospitality
- CAMARA Teacher
- CEBA Council
- CHANA will reach its target
- CHANTI Spirit of water
- CHEIKH Whoever has learned
- CHEIKH ANTA DIOP Greatest scholar of the 20th century
- CHENZIRA Born during the parents' trip
- CHIDERIA What God has written
- CHINAKA God decides
- CHINARA God receives
- CHINELO Thoughts of God
- CHOMA Wealth
- CIKEKA Satisfied
- DABA Message
- DABU Origin
- DAFINA Precious
- DALI L Creator
- DALIA Sweet
- DALMAR Versatile
- DARA Belle
- DARA Brings a message
- DAREN Born in the night
- DAUDI Beloved
- DEDI My exhaled prayer
- DEKA The one who likes
- DIA Champion
- DIARA Gift
- Lioness DIATA
- DIBIA Healer
- DIEL Wisdom
- DIN Huge
- DINI Faith
- DIOP Leader
- DIPITA The hope
- DJAILI Light
- DJEDKARA Stable is the strength of God
- DJIDADE Désirée
- DJONBARKI Whoever holds the blessing
- DONKOR Humble
- DOUAMOUTEF The one who received the maternal adoration
- DUMELA being happy
- DZIDZO Happiness
- EIDI Party
- EKALE The moon
- EKENE Praise
- ELEWA Very smart
- ELIMU Science
- EMARA Manufacturing
- EMEKA Great Act
- ENAM God gave it to me
- ENOMWOYI She who has charm
- ESE King
- ESHE Life
- ESIEME Lamentation
- ETIA The whirlwind
- EWE Life is precious
- EYALA The word
- EZE King
- FAHLASI Great person
- FARAI Rejoice
- FARAJI Consolation
- FELA Warrior
- FENYANG Conqueror
- FISSEHA Happiness
- FOKAZI Abroad
- FOLA Honor
- FOLAMI Respect and honor
- FUNEKA Desirable
- FUNGAI Thinking
- FUTSA Resemble
- GAGELA Elancé
- GEB Goddess of the Earth
- GEDE Precious
- GIMBYA Princess
- GORA Brave man
- GWEHA Love
- Wonderful GYASI
- HALEEMA Serene
- HANI Happy
- HATSHEPSOUT 1 Noble Priests of Priestly Rank
- HAWA desire
- HAYA Modeste
- HEBENY Hébène
- HEKANAFOORE Good prince
- HEMLE Faith
- HEQA Sovereign
- HERI Kindness
- HERYT The Superior
- HIARI Who keeps his free will
- HOJA My proof
- HOLA Savior
- HOR The distant
- HOREMHEB God is celebrating
- HOUROU HORUS among the Greeks (Son of Ausar, Ousire, Osiris)
- IAH Moon
- IB NEFER Pure Heart
- IBA (IB) Heart
- IDIBA In the morning
- IDOWU Famous
- IDRISSA Immortal
- IFE Love
- IKENNA Power of God
- Glorious IKHET
- IMA Charity
- IMAMU Spiritual Leader
- IME Patience
- IMHOTEP Whoever comes in peace
- INATHI God is with us
- INAYA The chance
- INIKO Born in troubled times
- ISILAHI Reconciliation
- ISMITTA South wind
- IVEREM Blessing
- IWA Character
- JAASI My sword
- JABARI Courageous
- JAHA Dignity
- JAHI Worthy
- JAHIA Eminente
- JAHINA Courageous
- JALIA Authorized by God
- JAMALI Beauty ...
- JANNA Paradise
- JAWARA Peace-loving
- JELANI Powerful
- JENGU Siren
- JENKAA My enemies are defeated
- JIFUNZA Self-taught
- JIMALE Survivor
- JINI Engineering
- JIRI Wild Fruit Forest
- JUMOKE Everyone loves the child
- KAARIA Who speaks with wisdom
- KAFIL Protector
- KAFUI Rent it
- KAMALI Perfection
- KAMARIA Like the moon
- KAMAU Silent Warrior
- KAMILI Perfection
- KANAKHT mighty bull
- KANEFER Belle is his soul
- KANEKHET Victorious Bull
- KANIKA Black matter
- KASHKA Friendly
- KASSA The King
- KATIELO Mother Goddess
- KAYIN Celebrated
- KAYODE He brings joy
- KEFILWE Gift of God
- KELILE My protector
- KEMBA Filled with faith
- KEMBOU Big black
- KEMI The black
- KEMYT The one who is black
- KENDI The loved one
- KERY SESHETA Guardian of the Mysteries
- KESI Just
- KESIAH Treasury
- KEYAH Healthy
- KHEPER Perfection (Manifestation Amon, divine energy in full Transformation)
- KHEPHREN The name of the one who is transformed
- KHERI Kindness
- KHETY Dedicated to God
- KHOUFOU May God protect me Khufu
- KIBWE Blessed
- KIDANE My wish
- KIDHI Satisfaction
- KIJANI Warrior
- KIMIA Peace
- KIMLY Royal Plain
- KIRABO Gift of God
- KITI Beautiful waters
- KITO Precious
- KIYA Jovial
- KIZIAH Light
- KOURA News
- Kujichagulia
- KUMANI Destin
- KUMBA Creativity
- KUMI Energic
- KUNTA Go ahead
- KURON Thanks
- Kuumba
- KWACHA Morning
- KWELI Honest
- KYA Diamond of the sky
- TAFARI Inspires Respect
- TAFUI Enjoy
- TAI Eagle
- TAJ Exhaled
- TALHA Easy Life
- TAMERY Well loved land
- TAMIIM Perfection
- TAMIRAT Miracle
- TAN Lion
- TANYE Soft, sweet
- TAONA We do not see it
- TATENDA Thank you
- TEELDO One of a kind
- TEFERI Who is fierce
- TEFNAKHT The force belongs to him
- TEKANO Equal
- TENA Being tall
- TENDAJI Will do great things
- TEPA Ancestor
- TERI Friend
- TERI Friend
- TESFAYE My hope
- TESSEMA People listen to it
- THEMA Reine
- THIERNO The master
- TOOLA Worker
- TUMELO Believe
- UCHE Thought
- UCHENNA God will be
- UJOR Modest
- UMI Life
- UMOJA The unity
- UMZALI Guardian
- UNGI Having a multitude
- USENDE Sweet perfume
- UZOCHI The way of God
- UZOMA The right path
- UZOMA The right path
- VITA who goes ahead
- WALE He came back
- WANDA friendship
- WEI Sun
- WENA You
- WINTA Désirée
- WONDONE Does not die
- XOLA Staying in peace
- XOLANI The one who forgives
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