Lhe volume 1 of UNESCO's General History of Africa deals with African prehistory and the methodology of the book. The first part of the volume examines the importance given by African societies to their past, and the growth and evolution of African historiography, and gives a general overview of sources and techniques. It is followed by a description of primary literary sources and oral and living traditions, as well as the archeology of Africa and its methods. Chapters 10 to 12 deal with linguistic aspects and migratory movements. This is followed by two chapters devoted to historical geography and the presentation of the chronological framework adopted. The second half of the volume deals specifically with the appearance of man and the prehistory of Africa in the different geographical areas: North, South, East, West and Center with particular attention to the Nile Valley. Separate chapters are devoted to prehistoric art, agricultural techniques and the development of metallurgy. Each chapter is profusely illustrated with maps, figures, figures and diagrams and a selection of black and white photographs. The text is fully annotated and supplemented by an extensive bibliography and index.