Efot Ekong, a Nigerian student at Tokai University in Japan, has been solving an unsolvable mathematical equation for 30 years. Efot Ekong is an unusual student. He recently solved a mathematical equation that hadn't been solved for over thirty years during his first semester at Tokai University, Japan. But, the young prodigy did not stop there in his daily performances.
This Nigerian student from Tokai University in Japan combines academic performance and invention patents. Already a graduate in electrical engineering, the young man continued his studies to specialize in robotics. But, the Nigerian student did not stop there. Indeed, he received the best results of the last fifty years from his Japanese university, Tokai University in Tokyo.
To continue on the path of excellence, Ufot Ekong has won numerous awards. In total, the student has accumulated 6 awards for academic excellence since the start of his studies. To increase the difficulty and the challenge, the young man also holds two jobs next to his courses to be able to finance his studies.
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