In 1454, the Vatican implemented a diabolical plan to exterminate the Kemite people from the area of Kemeta through a papal bull which remains the triggering act of...
Read MoreDetailsWhen the French arrived in Senegal in 1855 to colonize it, the first resistance force they encountered was a woman. His name: Ndaté Yalla Mboj. While in France the...
Read MoreDetailsKimpa Vita, born between 1684 and 1686 in Mbanza Kongo (North-West Angola) and died on July 2, 1706, is a Kongo prophetess (Esikongo ethnicity known as San Salvador by...
Read MoreDetailsOne of the great misfortunes of Africa in addition to the endemic famine due in particular to a colonial history but not only but also to leaders who perpetuate the colonial order at their...
Read MoreDetailsAt the beginning of the 20th century, while all of Africa, with the exception of Ethiopia which defeated the Italian invader under Menelik II and Liberia which was founded by the...
Read MoreDetailsThe meticulous investigation published by the American journalist Adam Hochschild, aptly subtitled a forgotten holocaust, is heartbreaking. In the late 1870s, echoes of the exploits of American explorer Henry...
Read MoreDetailsFrom 1884 to 1915, Germany administered Namibia. After a German trader made the discovery of an important diamond mine in the west of the country. Conflicts soon arose...
Read MoreDetailsThey are perceived in the minds of Ivorians as a rebellious people who during the colonial period expressed a categorical refusal to the penetration of the white man on their lands....
Read MoreDetailsA civilization that proves incapable of solving the problems caused by its functioning is a decadent civilization. A civilization that chooses to close its eyes to its most...
Read MoreDetailsSamory Touré was born in 1830 in Miniambaladougou which is in present-day Guinea. He began his career as a trader who took advantage of trans-ocean trade which notably involved...
Read MoreDetailsGum arabic: miracle solution to the problems of Sudan or neocolonial instrument at the service of multinationals? Why does no media ever mention the name of Coca Cola in...
Read MoreDetailsChaka was born in 1786. He is the son of Senza Ngakona, chief of the Abatetwa clan (a fraction of the Ngouni people). His mother is called Nandi. The union between Senza ngakona and...
Read MoreDetailsAfrica-united, more than a dream, an evidence Africa, our great Africa, land of these undesirables divided to better be ruled. Allow me to paraphrase the great and illustrious Dr. Martin Luther...
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