LBlack Africans (Professors Cheikh Anta Diop and Obenga) won a large victory at the Cairo conference in 1974. Yet European Egyptology continues to falsify history. The Greeks and the Latins, eyewitnesses of the ancient Egyptians, constantly confirm that the Egyptians belong to the black “race”. Among the many Greek and Latin testimonies, let us quote those of Herodotus, Diodorus, Aristotle and Heliodorus:
Herodotus, nicknamed the father of history, Greek historian (480-425 BC), went to Egypt. He tells us that the ancient Egyptians had black skin (melakroes) and frizzy hair (oulotrikhes) (Book II, 104).
Diodorus of Sicily, contemporary Greek historian of Caesar Augustus, (63 BC - 14 AD) tells us that it is Ethiopia that would have colonized Egypt (in the Athenian sense of the term: the increase in population density resulted in a movement north). (Historical Library, Book III, 3,1).
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Release Date | 2000-07-11T00:00:01Z |
Edition | 4e edition |
Language | French |
Number Of Pages | 564 |
Publication Date | 2000-07-11T00:00:01Z |