Lhen we want a nation, that is called nationalism. When the whites of the United States found themselves engaged in a revolution against England, why was it? The white of this country wanted this land to build another white nation. It is white nationalism. The American Revolution was white nationalism. The Russian revolution too. But yes! It was white nationalism. You don't agree? Why do you think Krushchev and Mao cannot agree? Because of white nationalism. All the revolutions currently underway in Asia and Africa, what are they based on? A revolutionary is a black nationalist. He wants a nation. I was reading a beautiful text by Pastor Cleage, in which he explained that if he could not get along with anyone in this town, it was because everyone was afraid of being identified with black nationalism. If you are afraid of black nationalism, you are afraid of revolution. And if you like revolution, you like black nationalism.
To understand this, you have to think about what our young brother, here present, said about the difference that there was in the days of slavery between the domestic negro and the negro worker in the fields. The domestic negroes are those who lived in the master's house. They were well dressed, they ate well because they ate like the master, which he could not. They lived in the attic or in the cellar, but they lived near the master and they loved the master more than the master loved himself. They gave their lives to save their master's house, more willingly than the master himself. If the master said, "We have a good house," the domestic Negro would say, "Yeah, we have a good house. When the master said "we", he was saying "we". This is what a domestic negro recognizes himself.
If the house of the master burned, the domestic negro fought the fire with more energy than the master himself. If the master fell ill, the domestic negro would say: "What is the matter, boss, we are ill? He identified himself with the master, more than his master identified with himself. And if you came to find the housekeeper to say to him: "Let's escape, let's save ourselves, leave this house," the domestic negro was looking at you and answering: "You are mad, old man, what does that mean, leave this house? Do you know a better house than this one? Where would I be better dressed than here? Where would be better fed than here? This is what the domestic negro was. At that time, it was called "house nigger". And that's how we still call it today, because there are still some.
The domestic negro loves his master. He wants to live with him. He will pay three times the value of the house he lives, just to live with his master, and then go boast to be "the only black corner". "I am the only one of my party. "I am the only one in this school ..." You are only a domestic nigger. And if someone comes on the spot to say to you: "Let's leave this house", you answer exactly what the domestic negro of the plantation answered: "What do you mean by leave this house? Separate from America, this brave white? Or will you find a better job than the one you have here? Yes, that's what you're saying. But you left your head in Africa.
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