THEMaharishi effect is defined as an influence of harmony and progress exerted on a given social group when a fraction of the population practices the Maharishi Unified Field Technology (the Transcendental Meditation (MT) and MT-Sidhi program by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).
The Maharishi effect induces a transformation of society towards a more orderly and harmonious state, resulting in a decrease in crime, violence, accidents, diseases, and in an improvement in economic and sociological indicators.
The scientists who discovered this phenomenon gave it the name of the Maharishi effect, in homage to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who had announced, as early as the sixties, that a small number of people practicing the technique of Transcendental Meditation would be sufficient to significantly improve the quality of life throughout society.
About fifteen years ago, the scientific community began to take an interest in these global transformations and studied them systematically, first on an urban scale, then on a national scale and, more recently, on a global scale (Maharishi effect planetary).
Sociologists have found that the Maharishi effect is felt from the threshold of 1% (in the case of Transcendental Meditation) or square root of 1% (in the case of the MT-Sidhi program).
This proportion is too small for the Maharishi effect to be transmitted through the vector of social exchanges between people practicing the Transcendental Meditation and MT-Sidhi program and other members of society. The results rather suggest the existence of a conductive environment, of a field transmitting the coherence produced by meditators to all of society. The physicist John Hagelin, author of a unified theory of the quantum field, points out in an article published in 1987 that the great extent of the Maharishi effect (since it can be felt at a very great distance from its point of origin) can only be explained by the existence of a unified field of all the laws of nature.
The √1% effect: MT-Sidhi's program
A major interest of the MT-Sidhi program is that the benefits it provides reach the community. If 1% of a given population can, these people quietly practicing TM at home, positively influence the whole of this population, the TM-Sidhi program, when practiced in a group, considerably amplifies this effect of coherence and of harmony produced on the environment: it suffices that the square root of 1% of the population participate in the group practice of this program for it to result in an improvement in the quality of life.
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