Lhe problem that arises is that of the place given to man in the organization of the economic system. Karl Marx had seen the problem clearly and showed that without a solution to the question of value, the dominant Western economic model would be nonsense, since it was doomed to the appetite of the bourgeois class against the oppressed and the poor. As we can see today, Western society is blocked. What Karl Marx lacked to achieve the value form was a coherent description of the political system which was to screen capitalism and above all, the expression of this value, understood as the product of a fair orientation of the relations of production and distribution between workers and capitalists for the purpose of building a society of happiness. Here. The economic fact is a social fact which is not isolated from culture and religion. This question is resolved in African thought. The black continent is therefore the one that will lead to the economic and financial alternative in the next century. It is up to African economists to take the full measure of the scope of this alternative instead of posing as repeaters of the dominant economic thought which ignores our history and our culture. Development is above all a matter of culture.
Economic science does not exist without political science and religious science (the paradigm). Dissociating them is a serious error, from the point of view of science. African economic theory is linked to its idea of sharing, complementarity and well-being for all, which is taken up in the political organization and the institutions of binding truth, which implement this sharing and deprive individuals and the power of freedoms. egocentric. Only this model can make it possible to reconcile man with divine happiness, far from the individual pleasures of capitalism which stuffs itself with the blood and poverty of degraded peoples. Happy reading and above all, may our economists enrich the proposed platform. I do not claim to have said everything. I simply redid the theory of value as understood by our ancestors. This is not my theory. This is the theory that emerges from ancestral economic practice.
It is now a question of starting from this theory to set to music a model which takes into account communitarianism as an ideal form of development, at all levels of political organization. All the villages must and can reorganize themselves into cooperatives with the objective of equitably sharing the fruits of the effort under the watchful eye of the initiates. The palaver tree must once again become the model par excellence of social consensus around wealth. As in Egypt, part of this effort must be under state control to ensure that redistribution is effective in order to eradicate poverty. A surplus is returned to the public treasury. This means that money must be the subject of a study that takes into account the ability to coin money, to create a demographic dynamic likely to satisfy the production capacity to counter the mass effect of the reaction of the 'West.
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