JI know that my platform will shock more than one person but I want the whole world to know that the time to bow down is over ...
Several black scholars: Egyptologists, sociologists, linguists, anthropologists, historians, philosophers and eminent professors have demonstrated that the word "AFRICA" is Arabic, which the Romans gave to our dear continent.
Today I am thinking more particularly of my late brother: “ESPÉRANCE MAKUZAYI MASSAKI” (whom we affectionately called “YA ZIMBA”) who was a journalist and his articles in the Antillean Review “RACINES et COULEURS” were authoritative, which to me. communicated this nosy spirit to discover the wonders of our dear continent.
It is through him that I got to know the Senegalese scientist CHEIKH ANTA DIOP, his research on the black man and on our dear continent.
I will not also forget Professor Jean Charles Coovi GOMEZ from Benin…
In the scientific field, they have been of invaluable support to me.
I am proud of my Mentor, the prophet Joseph MUKUNGUBILA MUTOMBO who opened my understanding to me and allowed me to enter the high spiritual sphere to understand the depth of the knowledge of CREATION which has our dear continent as its epicenter , that he always dearly called her THE MOTHER OF ALL EARTH or MOTHER EARTH!
It was through him that I learned everything.
I will direct the debate on the name of our dear continent differently, while starting by giving certain definitions or meanings of the word Africa and that of the black continent which is ours:
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Release Date | 2000-07-11T00:00:01Z |
Edition | 4e edition |
Language | French |
Number Of Pages | 564 |
Publication Date | 2000-07-11T00:00:01Z |