Cas it should be customary, we celebrate this 1er Djehouty 6250 the New Year Kamit or African (this 19 July 2013 of the Gregorian calendar). Surprising as it may seem, it is exactly 6250 years ago that our Ancestors established the first calendar in the history of mankind. Indeed, the invention of the calendar dates from 4236 before the year zero of the Gregorian calendar or 4236 BC The Gregorian calendar was introduced in October 1582 in Rome, by Pope Gregory 8. France adopted it in December 1582, Great Britain in 1752, Russia in 1918 and Greece in 1923. The Kamit calendar was the fruit of many years of observational research and recording of astronomical (star cycle) and natural phenomena (cycles of seasons), which were associated with the periods of seed and harvest.
On this question, by demonstrating the Egyptian origin, that is to say kamit or African, of the calendar, Cheikh Anta DIOP will have marked the ground for future generations; he will say : "As for geometry, the Egyptians were the exclusive inventors of the calendar, the same one, barely reformed, which regulates our life today, and of which Neugevauer says "that it is truly the only intelligent calendar that has ever existed in human history" ...
“They invented the year of 365 days broken down as follows: 12 months of 30 days = 360 days, plus the 5 epagomenal days, each corresponding to the birth of one of the following Egyptian gods: Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis and Nephthys. These are the very people who will give birth to mankind and inaugurate the cycle of historical times: Adam and Eve are only the late biblical replicas of Osiris and Isis ...
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