Atropical tree, "tree of heaven" or "eternal tree", from the Moringaceae family, moringa is native to northeastern India, but also grows in Africa, Madagascar, Asia and South America. It can be found in very arid areas such as the Sahara but it also likes humid semi-tropical climates. Its very deep root allows it to do without water for several months. Its Senegalese name "Nebedaye" comes from the English "Never die": when it is cut or young shoots are burned by the sun, it grows back immediately with the first rains. Its uses are multiple: its seeds contain edible oil also used externally to soften babies' skin. The seed powder has the property of purifying water. The leaves are used to fight diseases linked to malnutrition. They contain twice as much fat as milk, three times as much potassium as bananas, four times as much vitamin A as carrots and seven times as much vitamin C as an orange.
Moringa oil extraction
Moringa seeds are from three-lobed pods. Each pod contains between 12 and 35 black seeds, round with brown husk and 3 white wings.
A tree can produce between 15000 and 25000 seeds a year. The oil is expressed from the seeds of the tree. The oil content of shelled seeds, that is, almonds is 42%. Moringa Africajou oil is bright yellow. This oil is known internationally as “ ben's oil"
Composition of Moringa oil
Rich in unsaturated fatty acids with 70-73% oleic acid, but also in vitamins (C, A, B), minerals (potassium, calcium ..) and proteins.
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